3 Idiots is a fun film that follows Farhan Qureshi and Raju Rastogi who are on a search to find their long-lost college buddy, Rancho. While on their journey, they run into another student who, now very successful, reminds them of a bet they made 10 years prior. The three reminisce and embark on the journey to find Rancho and hilarity ensues.
Photo Courtesy of IMDb.com |
Prior to the screening, Dr. Sarah Peters will be moderating a panel discussion at 3:00 over "University Life around the World" that will include student and faculty representatives from Canada, The Bahamas, Venezuela, Zimbabwe, Nepal, and China. THEN at 3:30, the Asian Student Association will have chai, Samosas, and Green Tea cookies available for purchase.
Also remember that our Foreign Film Festival screenings are free, and we will be drawing for door prizes such as books, DVDs, art, gift certificates, and more after the film. So, get there early to get your name in for the prizes!
We look forward to seeing you all on Friday!